Do your Big Kids struggle with Consonant Digraphs? This collection of lesson plans and resources will save you time as you teach remediation groups in grades 3-5. Many upper elementary struggling readers simply have gaps in their phonetic knowledge. This series is intended to help teachers fill in these gaps. This packet teaches Consonant Digraphs: sh, th, wh, ch, ph, ck.
The preview shows everything included, and has a free copy of the Shake it Up! activity.
These lessons and Activities are the same format for each phonetic element in this series to minimize prep time and bring struggling readers (and their teachers!) a routine of word work instruction. Please visit my store again in the future, as I will be adding additional Phonics Interventions targeted at grades 3-5. For more information on how to help struggling readers in your classroom, please visit my blog series on this topic: Supporting Struggling Readers in Grades 3-5. This post is part of a series on this topic!
What is Included:
4 day lesson plan (for small or whole group) - 10 mins per day
Demonstration Words to go with the lessons
Teacher Reference List
Shake it Up! Activity
Word Sort Activity
Playing With Words Partner Game
Find it! Activity
I Have… Who Has…? Game