How will I receive my products?
Products are delivered via email. Check your email (and spam folder) for the download to receive your product after purchase.
How do I access my digital products?
When you receive your download via email, follow the link and unzip any zipped folders in the download.
Boom Cards
How do I add the Boom deck to my account?
After purchase, download and then open the BOOM PDF, and click the link inside. This will add this product to your boom library for your forever access. If you continue to have trouble with the boom cards, please contact boom customer service at:
What if I don’t have a Boom learning account?
You may be eligible for a free trial from Boom Learning. Read here for details: If you choose not to stay on a premium account after your free trial, you will still be able to assign all your Boom Cards to as many students as you see fit using Fast Play pins (which give instant feedback for decks that are self-grading). You will not be charged when your free trial expires.